
places past and phuture

why park slope was an excellent place to live:

no sexy witches here

via gawker... "so the Scores strippers maybe shouldn't have gone to the Daily News with word of their date with all the Park Slope kids. Now the school has disinvited them from the party and may cancel the event altogether. What has our society come to when a group of exotic dancers can't hand out candy to children?"

my favorite part is the comment that if you wanta see boobs in the slope, just head to the tea lounge. your eyes can drink their fill of breast feedin!

why philly's gonna be an awesome place to live:

philly filled with unattractive fatties

travel + leisure mag's readers rated philly basically unlivable due to its residents being least stylish, least active, least friendly and least worldly. god i can't wait to live there! i'm gonna gentrify it alllllllllllllll up!

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