
a word on puberty

when you're really little, your body is your total ally. it enables you to run and jump and climb and talk and taste and see and to enact myriad other great action verbs. you learn how to use your body to get the things that you want- another peanut butter sandwich, a new record in jump rope, a big hug. unfortunately, when you hit puberty, everything changes. your body decides it wants to hate you! hate everything about the you that is you that you've spent years figuring out!

your body mutinies. suddenly you start bleeding. uncontrollably! regularly! you spent thirteen years of your life trying really hard to keep all that blood on the inside, and suddenly your crazy stupid body is tryin a push it all out. you've worked really hard to run faster than all the neighborhood kids. you can beat anybody across the blacktop as a fifth-grader. and then what happens? tumors! they sprout on your chest! slowing you down, ruining your stride and your proud pace. and don't even let me get started on feeeeeelings.

in elementary school, i had it figured out. boys were scum. they smelled funny and didn't know the right way of doing anything. there were two that were tolerable, and they were in my gifted ed class. the others were useless except for chasing at recess or taunting (this included my brothers.) suddenly, as of thirteen, i was supposed to "like" boys?! my friends were developing crushes and i was supposed to like the stinky creatures too! it was too much to take for awhile-- my whole system was shocked... bleeding, mutinous, tumorous!

now that i'm lightyears in the future, i can say that i'm overwhelmed that this happens to everyone. i'm still nostalgic about the good old days before people expectations toed the gender line. and i'm still wigged out that my body turned against me with so much vigor.


more like benevolenvy

the reason people have blogs is to convey personality maps like that one.

also, this meme is worth its own post, but it's been a long day: i, rearrangement servant. spat out that i could be know as "escarole inner om". yes, thank you internets.



who: you, and your fellow train-rider

what: an epic and impromptu game of battleship staged only inside massimo vignelli's helvetica-plastered conceptual map of the new york city subway. you each have two battleships made of sixpoints and two points, and you choose locations for them-- they must be consecutive but not necessarily linear along the train lines. your opponent calls out stations, (or in the super-challenging version you only exchange line numbers...) so then once you've made a hit, you have to try all the surrounding stations to see if you can sink a ship!

when: times when you only have a map and there's still a long way to travel

where: on the train, silly!

why: well, it beats moody silence
